The Co-Pastor Model At Work

Flatter style of ministry

Our co-pastor model is based upon the belief that God has called and gifted multiple people to lead each local congregation (1 Peter 5:1-4). The co-pastors as well as Avert’s Advisory Team work together to develop the vision and direction of Avert. The co-pastors work together to shepherd the Avert Church congregation and reach out into the community. We sternly believe to be effective pastors, and to stay in touch with those we shepherd we are to be co-vocational as well.

Preaching and Sermon Prep

We feel led more often than not to preach through books of the Bible rather than topical sermon series (though we sprinkle a couple in throughout the year). We feel God’s word naturally hits on topics that are relevant to our current situations and the culture we live in.

After prayerful consideration we select the books of the Bible we will cover that year and what month we may do a topical series. The co-pastors then decide who will preach the sermons and put in for a few guest speaker spots. We try to stick to each pastor doing 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. We believe as pastors it’s important for us to get fed as well, and this method helps ensure that happens!

We work hard on the text together. We study our individual passages, we share notes, and we seek advice on understanding the text as well as delivery.

Who Are We?

As we share the Gospel of Jesus with transparency and urgency, we will begin to see the St. Charles area and the DMV be transformed and renewed by seeking a relationship with Him. We will create a “family” atmosphere where every color, background, age and financial status can come together to hear and live out the Gospel. As we begin to grow in our faith, we will send out believers to reach the lost in other parts of our area.


We exist to redirect all people away from their old life of brokenness and towards a new life of freedom in Jesus . We long to see the start of many authentic Christ centered communities grow and saturate the DMV area.


DISCIPLESHIP: this involves being and making disciples. Ephesians 5:1 tells us to imitate God and walk in love as Christ did.  This is the essence of being a disciple.  Christ demonstrated ultimate disciple-making by dying for us.  In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus tells us to go and make other disciples by sharing HIS good news with others. 

HOLINESS: God tells us in 1 Pet 1:13-16 to live obedient, holy lives so that we may reflect God’s holiness in all we do. When we live obedient (holy) lives, we identify with Jesus as God’s children and reflect His light in our dark world.

TRANSPARENCY: 1 John 1:5-10 and James 5:16 tells us to acknowledge our sins and flaws. When we do this, it provides an opportunity to show God’s impact in our lives over time.  This transparency also removes the focus of perfection off of us and point others to the Only perfect one - Jesus Christ. 

WORSHIP: Our worship of God is our response to the vast goodness and mercies of Christ (Romans 12:1-2). The Word of God governs all we do, so our worship of Him should be reflected in the same (how we do our secular jobs, our giving, our service, our love for others, our singing, our church attendance, etc).

Authentic Community: Acts 2:42-47 models for us how we should love one another and share life in authentic community together.  We Love one another through the love of Christ. We have been called to come together physically and become one body in Christ.

Radical Serving: Jesus demonstrated radical service for us in Mark 10:43-45.  As His disciples, we believe we should serve our church, community, and world radically as He has taught us.

Generosity: We are taught in 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, to give willingly and generously from the heart. We believe generosity is deeper than just our pockets. GOD gave us His Only Son.  Jesus gave us His very life. We believe we too should be cheerful givers - giving generously of the things the Lord has provided us.