“We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders.” - Psalm 78:4

Our Mission
Our desire is to come alongside families to strengthen and equip them to grow in Christ together. We are mandated by God to disciple our children in the ways of God, from generation to generation. We believe that together we can support our children, and give them tools to choose a lifestyle of wholeness in Jesus Christ!
Volunteer Opportunities.
We need both teen and adult volunteers. Come be a part of our team to support Avert families by serving in either nursery, kids, or middle school classes. We would love to have you!
First Sunday is Family Sunday!
What is Family Sunday? Family Sunday is our way of saying thank you to all our Avert Kids volunteers. The first Sunday each month is a Family Sunday. Our kiddos will sometimes participate in the service by singing, speaking and more! We also offer busy bags. In the bags you will find crayons, coloring books, a snack and other activities that might be about the sermon that week. Please feel free to use our busy bags! We just ask that the bags be returned at the end of Service.
** Nursery will still be provided!***